Internet Microscopy Resources
Section Overview:
The listed microscopy web resources act as auxillary information for the various topics covered on this site. These external sites range from individual labs to large companies and cover a wide array of topics from early science education to live-cell imaging.
General Resources
Links to general information about microscopy including some of the best microscopy sites on the Web.
Microscopy Resource Listings
We have prepared a compilation of Web sites that contain listings of other microscopy resources.
Microscopy History
These links provide references to background material about the history of microscopy.
Digital Imaging
The links provided point to the important manufacturers, trade magazines, and technical support information.
Image Analysis and Processing
Articles on advanced software for acquisition, processing, archiving, and retrieval of analog and digital images.
Virtual Microscopy
Visit these links to evaluate the microscopes that are in operation today for virtual microscopy.
Confocal Microscopy
The links provided offer tutorials, instrumentation, and reference materials on confocal microscopy.
Multiphoton Fluorescence Microscopy
Listed are web resources covering many topics for multiphoton fluorescence microscopy.
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
Listed are links to web resources for information about total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM).
University, Government Research Facilities and Laboratories
Here is information on the research, equipment, and staff at University and Governmental microscopy facilities.
Polarized Light Microscopy
View the various links to web articles associated with polarized light microscopy.
Tutorials and Education
Visit websites containing information about aspects of optical, electron, and confocal microscopy.
Microscopy Societies
Links to both amateur and professional microscopy societies on the Web.
Microscopy Booksellers
We have scrutinized booksellers for their holdings on microscopy books and provided links to the best online.
K-12 Educational Microscopy and Science Sites
Microscopy and science-related websites geared towards kindergarten through high school students.
Glossaries For Microscopy and Optical Physics
Visit the links containing vocabulary terms relating to microscopes.
Microscopy Journals and Other Publications
Links to Netazines featuring topics in optical and electron microscopy, digital imaging, and photomicrography.
A listing of newsgroups where visitors can read, post, and reply to messages dealing with aspects of microscopy.
Equipment, Supplies, and Services
A listing of many vendor sites with online catalogs, company history, services offered, and product information.
A listing of web resources on deconvolution analysis, including software packages, hardware, and laboratories.
Links provided include leading and emerging producers and distributors of primary and secondary antibodies.
Area Array (CCD and CMOS) Detectors
Links to resources discussing area array (CCD and CMOS) detectors.
Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Listed are companies who offer specialized software for meeting specific digital image processing requirements.
Fluorescence Filters
Listed are manufacturers that design, manufacture, and supply fluorescence filters to the microscopy community.
Fluorescent Probes
An array of fluorescent probes are available from various distributors, the best have been compiled into a list.
Fluorescent Protein Educational
The websites listed are excellent for individuals interested in learning about these investigative tools.
FluoView™ Users Internet Resources
A sampling of renowned universities and private research institutions that benefit using the Olympus technology.
Laser Systems
Resource links to information on the fundamentals of lasers, distributors, to educational tutorials.
Live-Cell Imaging
A compilation of links that offer background information, interactive forums, and frequently asked questions.
Microscopy Live-Cell Imaging Chambers
Links to specimen chambers that are commercially available, and designed to help locate products.
Microscopy Courses and Workshops
The links provided are to groups that present these offerings on a regular basis (annually or biannually).
Photometric Detectors
Resources to major developers, manufacturers, and suppliers of point source detectors.
Principle Investigators of Fluorescent Proteins
Links to current research, publications, lists of laboratory personnel, educational tutorials, and image galleries.
Fluorescent Protein Vector Commercial Sources
Links to commercial distributors of fluorescent proteins, available as recombinant DNA plasmid vectors.
Three-Dimensional Volume Rendering
Links to three-dimensional volume rendering resources that describe and distribute software to microscopists